Crash Correlations

Marco Castelluccio

Crash Correlations

A tool to find correlations in crash reports, recently integrated in Socorro (

Steps to calculate correlations

Count occurrences of every possible attribute-value pair (e.g. platform=Windows) for each signature

Steps to calculate correlations

Most SuperSearch (discrete) fields as considered as attributes, some are generated operating on those fields or on fields from the JSON dump.

def get_arch(total_virtual_memory, platform, platform_version):
    if total_virtual_memory:
        if int(total_virtual_memory) < 2684354560:
            return 'x86'
        elif int(total_virtual_memory) > 2684354560:
            return 'amd64'
        elif platform == 'Mac OS X':
            return 'amd64'
            if 'i686' in platform_version:
                return 'x86'
            elif 'x86_64' in platform_version:
                return 'amd64'

Steps to calculate correlations

Exclude attribute-value pairs that have low percentages (< 15%)

Steps to calculate correlations

Generate possible two-level candidates (e.g. platform=Windows && gfx_vendor=NVIDIA)

Final filtering

Filter out results:

  • whose percentage difference between the signature and overall is small (< 15%);
  • which don't pass a statistical significance test;
  • which are not surprising (e.g. if platform=Windows is 20% and gfx_vendor=NVIDIA is 20%, platform=Windows && gfx_vendor=NVIDIA 20% is surprising, 4% is not)

Dependency graph

Many attributes are strongly dependent from others. For example, the presence of a given DLL might be directly linked to a particular Windows version.

The algorithm takes that into account by defining a graph of dependencies. When a dependency is found, the percentage of occurrence is recalculated taking the dependency into account.

Dependency example

(83.90% in signature vs 33.91% overall) Module "bcryptPrimitives.dll"

(100.0% in signature vs 98.44% overall) Module "bcryptPrimitives.dll" if platform_version = 10.0.14393