Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * Copyright 2013, Mozilla Foundation and contributors
3 : *
4 : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 : *
8 : *
9 : *
10 : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 : * limitations under the License.
15 : */
16 :
17 : #ifndef GMP_STORAGE_h_
18 : #define GMP_STORAGE_h_
19 :
20 : #include "gmp-errors.h"
21 : #include <stdint.h>
22 :
23 : // Maximum size of a record, in bytes; 10 megabytes.
24 : #define GMP_MAX_RECORD_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024)
25 :
26 : // Maximum length of a record name in bytes.
27 : #define GMP_MAX_RECORD_NAME_SIZE 2000
28 :
29 : // Provides basic per-origin storage for CDMs. GMPRecord instances can be
30 : // retrieved by calling GMPPlatformAPI->openstorage. Multiple GMPRecords
31 : // with different names can be open at once, but a single record can only
32 : // be opened by one client at a time. This interface is asynchronous, with
33 : // results being returned via callbacks to the GMPRecordClient pointer
34 : // provided to the GMPPlatformAPI->openstorage call, on the main thread.
35 : //
36 : // Lifecycle: Once opened, the GMPRecord object remains allocated until
37 : // GMPRecord::Close() is called. If any GMPRecord function, either
38 : // synchronously or asynchronously through a GMPRecordClient callback,
39 : // returns an error, the GMP is responsible for calling Close() on the
40 : // GMPRecord to delete the GMPRecord object's memory. If your GMP does not
41 : // call Close(), the GMPRecord's memory will leak.
42 0 : class GMPRecord {
43 : public:
44 :
45 : // Opens the record. Calls OpenComplete() once the record is open.
46 : // Note: Only work when GMP is loading content from a webserver.
47 : // Does not work for web pages on loaded from disk.
48 : // Note: OpenComplete() is only called if this returns GMPNoErr.
49 : virtual GMPErr Open() = 0;
50 :
51 : // Reads the entire contents of the record, and calls
52 : // GMPRecordClient::ReadComplete() once the operation is complete.
53 : // Note: ReadComplete() is only called if this returns GMPNoErr.
54 : virtual GMPErr Read() = 0;
55 :
56 : // Writes aDataSize bytes of aData into the record, overwriting the
57 : // contents of the record, truncating it to aDataSize length.
58 : // Overwriting with 0 bytes "deletes" the record.
59 : // Note: WriteComplete is only called if this returns GMPNoErr.
60 : virtual GMPErr Write(const uint8_t* aData, uint32_t aDataSize) = 0;
61 :
62 : // Closes a record, deletes the GMPRecord object. The GMPRecord object
63 : // must not be used after this is called, request a new one with
64 : // GMPPlatformAPI->openstorage to re-open this record. Cancels all
65 : // callbacks.
66 : virtual GMPErr Close() = 0;
67 :
68 0 : virtual ~GMPRecord() {}
69 : };
70 :
71 : // Callback object that receives the results of GMPRecord calls. Callbacks
72 : // run asynchronously to the GMPRecord call, on the main thread.
73 0 : class GMPRecordClient {
74 : public:
75 :
76 : // Response to a GMPRecord::Open() call with the open |status|.
77 : // aStatus values:
78 : // - GMPNoErr - Record opened successfully. Record may be empty.
79 : // - GMPRecordInUse - This record is in use by another client.
80 : // - GMPGenericErr - Unspecified error.
81 : // If aStatus is not GMPNoErr, the GMPRecord is unusable, and you must
82 : // call Close() on the GMPRecord to dispose of it.
83 : virtual void OpenComplete(GMPErr aStatus) = 0;
84 :
85 : // Response to a GMPRecord::Read() call, where aData is the record contents,
86 : // of length aDataSize.
87 : // aData is only valid for the duration of the call to ReadComplete.
88 : // Copy it if you want to hang onto it!
89 : // aStatus values:
90 : // - GMPNoErr - Record contents read successfully, aDataSize 0 means record
91 : // is empty.
92 : // - GMPRecordInUse - There are other operations or clients in use on
93 : // this record.
94 : // - GMPGenericErr - Unspecified error.
95 : // If aStatus is not GMPNoErr, the GMPRecord is unusable, and you must
96 : // call Close() on the GMPRecord to dispose of it.
97 : virtual void ReadComplete(GMPErr aStatus,
98 : const uint8_t* aData,
99 : uint32_t aDataSize) = 0;
100 :
101 : // Response to a GMPRecord::Write() call.
102 : // - GMPNoErr - File contents written successfully.
103 : // - GMPRecordInUse - There are other operations or clients in use on
104 : // this record.
105 : // - GMPGenericErr - Unspecified error.
106 : // If aStatus is not GMPNoErr, the GMPRecord is unusable, and you must
107 : // call Close() on the GMPRecord to dispose of it.
108 : virtual void WriteComplete(GMPErr aStatus) = 0;
109 :
110 0 : virtual ~GMPRecordClient() {}
111 : };
112 :
113 : #endif // GMP_STORAGE_h_