Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 : /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 : * file, You can obtain one at */
5 :
6 : #ifndef nsISpellChecker_h__
7 : #define nsISpellChecker_h__
8 :
9 : #include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
10 : #include "nsISupports.h"
11 : #include "nsTArray.h"
12 :
14 :
16 : { /* 27bff957-b486-40ae-9f5d-af0cdd211868 */ \
17 : 0x27bff957, 0xb486, 0x40ae, \
18 : { 0x9f, 0x5d, 0xaf, 0x0c, 0xdd, 0x21, 0x18, 0x68 } }
19 :
20 : class nsITextServicesDocument;
21 : class nsString;
22 :
23 : /**
24 : * A generic interface for a spelling checker.
25 : */
26 1 : class nsISpellChecker : public nsISupports{
27 : public:
28 :
30 :
31 : /**
32 : * Tells the spellchecker what document to check.
33 : * @param aDoc is the document to check.
34 : * @param aFromStartOfDoc If true, start check from beginning of document,
35 : * if false, start check from current cursor position.
36 : */
37 : NS_IMETHOD SetDocument(nsITextServicesDocument *aDoc, bool aFromStartofDoc) = 0;
38 :
39 : /**
40 : * Selects (hilites) the next misspelled word in the document.
41 : * @param aWord will contain the misspelled word.
42 : * @param aSuggestions is an array of nsStrings, that represent the
43 : * suggested replacements for the misspelled word.
44 : */
45 : NS_IMETHOD NextMisspelledWord(nsAString &aWord, nsTArray<nsString> *aSuggestions) = 0;
46 :
47 : /**
48 : * Checks if a word is misspelled. No document is required to use this method.
49 : * @param aWord is the word to check.
50 : * @param aIsMisspelled will be set to true if the word is misspelled.
51 : * @param aSuggestions is an array of nsStrings which represent the
52 : * suggested replacements for the misspelled word. The array will be empty
53 : * if there aren't any suggestions.
54 : */
55 : NS_IMETHOD CheckWord(const nsAString &aWord, bool *aIsMisspelled, nsTArray<nsString> *aSuggestions) = 0;
56 :
57 : /**
58 : * Replaces the old word with the specified new word.
59 : * @param aOldWord is the word to be replaced.
60 : * @param aNewWord is the word that is to replace old word.
61 : * @param aAllOccurrences will replace all occurrences of old
62 : * word, in the document, with new word when it is true. If
63 : * false, it will replace the 1st occurrence only!
64 : */
65 : NS_IMETHOD Replace(const nsAString &aOldWord, const nsAString &aNewWord, bool aAllOccurrences) = 0;
66 :
67 : /**
68 : * Ignores all occurrences of the specified word in the document.
69 : * @param aWord is the word to ignore.
70 : */
71 : NS_IMETHOD IgnoreAll(const nsAString &aWord) = 0;
72 :
73 : /**
74 : * Add a word to the user's personal dictionary.
75 : * @param aWord is the word to add.
76 : */
77 : NS_IMETHOD AddWordToPersonalDictionary(const nsAString &aWord) = 0;
78 :
79 : /**
80 : * Remove a word from the user's personal dictionary.
81 : * @param aWord is the word to remove.
82 : */
83 : NS_IMETHOD RemoveWordFromPersonalDictionary(const nsAString &aWord) = 0;
84 :
85 : /**
86 : * Returns the list of words in the user's personal dictionary.
87 : * @param aWordList is an array of nsStrings that represent the
88 : * list of words in the user's personal dictionary.
89 : */
90 : NS_IMETHOD GetPersonalDictionary(nsTArray<nsString> *aWordList) = 0;
91 :
92 : /**
93 : * Returns the list of strings representing the dictionaries
94 : * the spellchecker supports. It was suggested that the strings
95 : * returned be in the RFC 1766 format. This format looks something
96 : * like <ISO 639 language code>-<ISO 3166 country code>.
97 : * For example: en-US
98 : * @param aDictionaryList is an array of nsStrings that represent the
99 : * dictionaries supported by the spellchecker.
100 : */
101 : NS_IMETHOD GetDictionaryList(nsTArray<nsString> *aDictionaryList) = 0;
102 :
103 : /**
104 : * Returns a string representing the current dictionary.
105 : * @param aDictionary will contain the name of the dictionary.
106 : * This name is the same string that is in the list returned
107 : * by GetDictionaryList().
108 : */
109 : NS_IMETHOD GetCurrentDictionary(nsAString &aDictionary) = 0;
110 :
111 : /**
112 : * Tells the spellchecker to use a specific dictionary.
113 : * @param aDictionary a string that is in the list returned
114 : * by GetDictionaryList() or an empty string. If aDictionary is
115 : * empty string, spellchecker will be disabled.
116 : */
117 : NS_IMETHOD SetCurrentDictionary(const nsAString &aDictionary) = 0;
118 :
119 : /**
120 : * Tells the spellchecker to use a specific dictionary from list.
121 : * @param aList a preferred dictionary list
122 : */
123 : NS_IMETHOD_(RefPtr<mozilla::GenericPromise>)
124 : SetCurrentDictionaryFromList(const nsTArray<nsString>& aList) = 0;
125 : };
126 :
128 :
129 : #endif // nsISpellChecker_h__
130 :