Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2 : * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
3 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 : * file, You can obtain one at */
6 :
7 : #ifndef gc_Heap_h
8 : #define gc_Heap_h
9 :
10 : #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
11 : #include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
12 : #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
13 : #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
14 : #include "mozilla/EnumeratedArray.h"
15 : #include "mozilla/EnumeratedRange.h"
16 : #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
17 :
18 : #include <stddef.h>
19 : #include <stdint.h>
20 :
21 : #include "jsfriendapi.h"
22 : #include "jspubtd.h"
23 : #include "jstypes.h"
24 : #include "jsutil.h"
25 :
26 : #include "ds/BitArray.h"
27 : #include "gc/Memory.h"
28 : #include "js/GCAPI.h"
29 : #include "js/HeapAPI.h"
30 : #include "js/RootingAPI.h"
31 : #include "js/TracingAPI.h"
32 :
33 : struct JSRuntime;
34 :
35 : namespace js {
36 :
37 : class AutoLockGC;
38 : class FreeOp;
39 :
40 : extern bool
41 : RuntimeFromActiveCooperatingThreadIsHeapMajorCollecting(JS::shadow::Zone* shadowZone);
42 :
43 : #ifdef DEBUG
44 :
45 : // Barriers can't be triggered during backend Ion compilation, which may run on
46 : // a helper thread.
47 : extern bool
48 : CurrentThreadIsIonCompiling();
49 : #endif
50 :
51 : // The return value indicates if anything was unmarked.
52 : extern bool
53 : UnmarkGrayCellRecursively(gc::Cell* cell, JS::TraceKind kind);
54 :
55 : extern void
56 : TraceManuallyBarrieredGenericPointerEdge(JSTracer* trc, gc::Cell** thingp, const char* name);
57 :
58 : namespace gc {
59 :
60 : class Arena;
61 : class ArenaCellSet;
62 : class ArenaList;
63 : class SortedArenaList;
64 : struct Chunk;
65 :
66 : /*
67 : * This flag allows an allocation site to request a specific heap based upon the
68 : * estimated lifetime or lifetime requirements of objects allocated from that
69 : * site.
70 : */
71 : enum InitialHeap {
72 : DefaultHeap,
73 : TenuredHeap
74 : };
75 :
76 : /* The GC allocation kinds. */
77 : // FIXME: uint8_t would make more sense for the underlying type, but causes
78 : // miscompilations in GCC (fixed in 4.8.5 and 4.9.3). See also bug 1143966.
79 : enum class AllocKind {
80 : FIRST,
84 : OBJECT0,
86 : OBJECT2,
88 : OBJECT4,
90 : OBJECT8,
92 : OBJECT12,
94 : OBJECT16,
98 : SCRIPT,
100 : SHAPE,
105 : STRING,
108 : ATOM,
109 : SYMBOL,
110 : JITCODE,
111 : SCOPE,
113 : LIMIT,
114 : LAST = LIMIT - 1
115 : };
116 :
117 : // Macro to enumerate the different allocation kinds supplying information about
118 : // the trace kind, C++ type and allocation size.
120 : /* AllocKind TraceKind TypeName SizedType */ \
121 : D(FUNCTION, Object, JSObject, JSFunction) \
122 : D(FUNCTION_EXTENDED, Object, JSObject, FunctionExtended) \
123 : D(OBJECT0, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots0) \
124 : D(OBJECT0_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots0) \
125 : D(OBJECT2, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots2) \
126 : D(OBJECT2_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots2) \
127 : D(OBJECT4, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots4) \
128 : D(OBJECT4_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots4) \
129 : D(OBJECT8, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots8) \
130 : D(OBJECT8_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots8) \
131 : D(OBJECT12, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots12) \
132 : D(OBJECT12_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots12) \
133 : D(OBJECT16, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots16) \
134 : D(OBJECT16_BACKGROUND, Object, JSObject, JSObject_Slots16)
135 :
137 : /* AllocKind TraceKind TypeName SizedType */ \
138 : D(SCRIPT, Script, JSScript, JSScript) \
139 : D(LAZY_SCRIPT, LazyScript, js::LazyScript, js::LazyScript) \
140 : D(SHAPE, Shape, js::Shape, js::Shape) \
141 : D(ACCESSOR_SHAPE, Shape, js::AccessorShape, js::AccessorShape) \
142 : D(BASE_SHAPE, BaseShape, js::BaseShape, js::BaseShape) \
143 : D(OBJECT_GROUP, ObjectGroup, js::ObjectGroup, js::ObjectGroup) \
144 : D(FAT_INLINE_STRING, String, JSFatInlineString, JSFatInlineString) \
145 : D(STRING, String, JSString, JSString) \
146 : D(EXTERNAL_STRING, String, JSExternalString, JSExternalString) \
147 : D(FAT_INLINE_ATOM, String, js::FatInlineAtom, js::FatInlineAtom) \
148 : D(ATOM, String, js::NormalAtom, js::NormalAtom) \
149 : D(SYMBOL, Symbol, JS::Symbol, JS::Symbol) \
150 : D(JITCODE, JitCode, js::jit::JitCode, js::jit::JitCode) \
151 : D(SCOPE, Scope, js::Scope, js::Scope) \
152 : D(REGEXP_SHARED, RegExpShared, js::RegExpShared, js::RegExpShared)
153 :
154 : #define FOR_EACH_ALLOCKIND(D) \
157 :
158 : static_assert(int(AllocKind::FIRST) == 0, "Various places depend on AllocKind starting at 0, "
159 : "please audit them carefully!");
160 : static_assert(int(AllocKind::OBJECT_FIRST) == 0, "Various places depend on AllocKind::OBJECT_FIRST "
161 : "being 0, please audit them carefully!");
162 :
163 : inline bool
164 7101617 : IsAllocKind(AllocKind kind)
165 : {
166 7101617 : return kind >= AllocKind::FIRST && kind <= AllocKind::LIMIT;
167 : }
168 :
169 : inline bool
170 7357848 : IsValidAllocKind(AllocKind kind)
171 : {
172 7357848 : return kind >= AllocKind::FIRST && kind <= AllocKind::LAST;
173 : }
174 :
175 : inline bool
176 397949 : IsObjectAllocKind(AllocKind kind)
177 : {
178 397949 : return kind >= AllocKind::OBJECT_FIRST && kind <= AllocKind::OBJECT_LAST;
179 : }
180 :
181 : inline bool
182 0 : IsShapeAllocKind(AllocKind kind)
183 : {
184 0 : return kind == AllocKind::SHAPE || kind == AllocKind::ACCESSOR_SHAPE;
185 : }
186 :
187 : // Returns a sequence for use in a range-based for loop,
188 : // to iterate over all alloc kinds.
189 : inline decltype(mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(AllocKind::FIRST, AllocKind::LIMIT))
190 622 : AllAllocKinds()
191 : {
192 622 : return mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(AllocKind::FIRST, AllocKind::LIMIT);
193 : }
194 :
195 : // Returns a sequence for use in a range-based for loop,
196 : // to iterate over all object alloc kinds.
197 : inline decltype(mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(AllocKind::OBJECT_FIRST, AllocKind::OBJECT_LIMIT))
198 0 : ObjectAllocKinds()
199 : {
200 0 : return mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(AllocKind::OBJECT_FIRST, AllocKind::OBJECT_LIMIT);
201 : }
202 :
203 : // Returns a sequence for use in a range-based for loop,
204 : // to iterate over alloc kinds from |first| to |limit|, exclusive.
205 : inline decltype(mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(AllocKind::FIRST, AllocKind::LIMIT))
206 : SomeAllocKinds(AllocKind first = AllocKind::FIRST, AllocKind limit = AllocKind::LIMIT)
207 : {
208 : MOZ_ASSERT(IsAllocKind(first), "|first| is not a valid AllocKind!");
209 : MOZ_ASSERT(IsAllocKind(limit), "|limit| is not a valid AllocKind!");
210 : return mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(first, limit);
211 : }
212 :
213 : // AllAllocKindArray<ValueType> gives an enumerated array of ValueTypes,
214 : // with each index corresponding to a particular alloc kind.
215 : template<typename ValueType> using AllAllocKindArray =
216 : mozilla::EnumeratedArray<AllocKind, AllocKind::LIMIT, ValueType>;
217 :
218 : // ObjectAllocKindArray<ValueType> gives an enumerated array of ValueTypes,
219 : // with each index corresponding to a particular object alloc kind.
220 : template<typename ValueType> using ObjectAllocKindArray =
221 : mozilla::EnumeratedArray<AllocKind, AllocKind::OBJECT_LIMIT, ValueType>;
222 :
223 : static inline JS::TraceKind
224 1748862 : MapAllocToTraceKind(AllocKind kind)
225 : {
226 : static const JS::TraceKind map[] = {
227 : #define EXPAND_ELEMENT(allocKind, traceKind, type, sizedType) \
228 : JS::TraceKind::traceKind,
230 : #undef EXPAND_ELEMENT
231 : };
232 :
233 : static_assert(MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(map) == size_t(AllocKind::LIMIT),
234 : "AllocKind-to-TraceKind mapping must be in sync");
235 1748862 : return map[size_t(kind)];
236 : }
237 :
238 : /*
239 : * This must be an upper bound, but we do not need the least upper bound, so
240 : * we just exclude non-background objects.
241 : */
242 : static const size_t MAX_BACKGROUND_FINALIZE_KINDS =
243 : size_t(AllocKind::LIMIT) - size_t(AllocKind::OBJECT_LIMIT) / 2;
244 :
245 : /* Mark colors to pass to markIfUnmarked. */
246 : enum class MarkColor : uint32_t
247 : {
248 : Black = 0,
249 : Gray
250 : };
251 :
252 : class TenuredCell;
253 :
254 : // A GC cell is the base class for all GC things.
255 205980 : struct Cell
256 : {
257 : public:
258 20521754 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isTenured() const { return !IsInsideNursery(this); }
259 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const TenuredCell& asTenured() const;
260 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell& asTenured();
261 :
262 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedAny() const;
263 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedBlack() const;
264 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedGray() const;
265 :
266 : inline JSRuntime* runtimeFromActiveCooperatingThread() const;
267 :
268 : // Note: Unrestricted access to the runtime of a GC thing from an arbitrary
269 : // thread can easily lead to races. Use this method very carefully.
270 : inline JSRuntime* runtimeFromAnyThread() const;
271 :
272 : // May be overridden by GC thing kinds that have a compartment pointer.
273 20777 : inline JSCompartment* maybeCompartment() const { return nullptr; }
274 :
275 : // The StoreBuffer used to record incoming pointers from the tenured heap.
276 : // This will return nullptr for a tenured cell.
277 : inline StoreBuffer* storeBuffer() const;
278 :
279 : inline JS::TraceKind getTraceKind() const;
280 :
281 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool needWriteBarrierPre(JS::Zone* zone);
282 :
283 : #ifdef DEBUG
284 : inline bool isAligned() const;
285 : void dump(FILE* fp) const;
286 : void dump() const;
287 : #endif
288 :
289 : protected:
290 : inline uintptr_t address() const;
291 : inline Chunk* chunk() const;
292 : } JS_HAZ_GC_THING;
293 :
294 : // A GC TenuredCell gets behaviors that are valid for things in the Tenured
295 : // heap, such as access to the arena and mark bits.
296 205980 : class TenuredCell : public Cell
297 : {
298 : public:
299 : // Construct a TenuredCell from a void*, making various sanity assertions.
300 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell* fromPointer(void* ptr);
301 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const TenuredCell* fromPointer(const void* ptr);
302 :
303 : // Mark bit management.
304 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedAny() const;
305 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedBlack() const;
306 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isMarkedGray() const;
307 :
308 : // The return value indicates if the cell went from unmarked to marked.
309 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool markIfUnmarked(MarkColor color = MarkColor::Black) const;
310 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void markBlack() const;
311 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void copyMarkBitsFrom(const TenuredCell* src);
312 :
313 : // Access to the arena.
314 : inline Arena* arena() const;
315 : inline AllocKind getAllocKind() const;
316 : inline JS::TraceKind getTraceKind() const;
317 : inline JS::Zone* zone() const;
318 : inline JS::Zone* zoneFromAnyThread() const;
319 : inline bool isInsideZone(JS::Zone* zone) const;
320 :
321 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JS::shadow::Zone* shadowZone() const {
322 : return JS::shadow::Zone::asShadowZone(zone());
323 : }
324 996888 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JS::shadow::Zone* shadowZoneFromAnyThread() const {
325 996888 : return JS::shadow::Zone::asShadowZone(zoneFromAnyThread());
326 : }
327 :
328 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void readBarrier(TenuredCell* thing);
329 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void writeBarrierPre(TenuredCell* thing);
330 :
331 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void writeBarrierPost(void* cellp, TenuredCell* prior,
332 : TenuredCell* next);
333 :
334 : // Default implementation for kinds that don't require fixup.
335 0 : void fixupAfterMovingGC() {}
336 :
337 : #ifdef DEBUG
338 : inline bool isAligned() const;
339 : #endif
340 : };
341 :
342 : /* Cells are aligned to CellAlignShift, so the largest tagged null pointer is: */
343 : const uintptr_t LargestTaggedNullCellPointer = (1 << CellAlignShift) - 1;
344 :
345 : /*
346 : * The minimum cell size ends up as twice the cell alignment because the mark
347 : * bitmap contains one bit per CellBytesPerMarkBit bytes (which is equal to
348 : * CellAlignBytes) and we need two mark bits per cell.
349 : */
350 : const size_t MarkBitsPerCell = 2;
351 : const size_t MinCellSize = CellBytesPerMarkBit * MarkBitsPerCell;
352 :
353 : constexpr size_t
354 : DivideAndRoundUp(size_t numerator, size_t divisor) {
355 : return (numerator + divisor - 1) / divisor;
356 : }
357 :
358 : static_assert(ArenaSize % CellAlignBytes == 0,
359 : "Arena size must be a multiple of cell alignment");
360 :
361 : /*
362 : * We sometimes use an index to refer to a cell in an arena. The index for a
363 : * cell is found by dividing by the cell alignment so not all indicies refer to
364 : * valid cells.
365 : */
366 : const size_t ArenaCellIndexBytes = CellAlignBytes;
367 : const size_t MaxArenaCellIndex = ArenaSize / CellAlignBytes;
368 :
369 : /*
370 : * The mark bitmap has one bit per each possible cell start position. This
371 : * wastes some space for larger GC things but allows us to avoid division by the
372 : * cell's size when accessing the bitmap.
373 : */
374 : const size_t ArenaBitmapBits = ArenaSize / CellBytesPerMarkBit;
375 : const size_t ArenaBitmapBytes = DivideAndRoundUp(ArenaBitmapBits, 8);
376 : const size_t ArenaBitmapWords = DivideAndRoundUp(ArenaBitmapBits, JS_BITS_PER_WORD);
377 :
378 : /*
379 : * A FreeSpan represents a contiguous sequence of free cells in an Arena. It
380 : * can take two forms.
381 : *
382 : * - In an empty span, |first| and |last| are both zero.
383 : *
384 : * - In a non-empty span, |first| is the address of the first free thing in the
385 : * span, and |last| is the address of the last free thing in the span.
386 : * Furthermore, the memory pointed to by |last| holds a FreeSpan structure
387 : * that points to the next span (which may be empty); this works because
388 : * sizeof(FreeSpan) is less than the smallest thingSize.
389 : */
390 : class FreeSpan
391 : {
392 : friend class Arena;
393 : friend class ArenaCellIterImpl;
394 :
395 : uint16_t first;
396 : uint16_t last;
397 :
398 : public:
399 : // This inits just |first| and |last|; if the span is non-empty it doesn't
400 : // do anything with the next span stored at |last|.
401 0 : void initBounds(uintptr_t firstArg, uintptr_t lastArg, const Arena* arena) {
402 0 : checkRange(firstArg, lastArg, arena);
403 0 : first = firstArg;
404 0 : last = lastArg;
405 0 : }
406 :
407 13324 : void initAsEmpty() {
408 13324 : first = 0;
409 13324 : last = 0;
410 13324 : }
411 :
412 : // This sets |first| and |last|, and also sets the next span stored at
413 : // |last| as empty. (As a result, |firstArg| and |lastArg| cannot represent
414 : // an empty span.)
415 0 : void initFinal(uintptr_t firstArg, uintptr_t lastArg, const Arena* arena) {
416 0 : initBounds(firstArg, lastArg, arena);
417 0 : FreeSpan* last = nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
418 0 : last->initAsEmpty();
419 0 : checkSpan(arena);
420 0 : }
421 :
422 976662 : bool isEmpty() const {
423 976662 : return !first;
424 : }
425 :
426 480377 : Arena* getArenaUnchecked() { return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(this); }
427 : inline Arena* getArena();
428 :
429 60 : static size_t offsetOfFirst() {
430 60 : return offsetof(FreeSpan, first);
431 : }
432 :
433 20 : static size_t offsetOfLast() {
434 20 : return offsetof(FreeSpan, last);
435 : }
436 :
437 : // Like nextSpan(), but no checking of the following span is done.
438 961387 : FreeSpan* nextSpanUnchecked(const Arena* arena) const {
439 961387 : MOZ_ASSERT(arena && !isEmpty());
440 961386 : return reinterpret_cast<FreeSpan*>(uintptr_t(arena) + last);
441 : }
442 :
443 6381 : const FreeSpan* nextSpan(const Arena* arena) const {
444 6381 : checkSpan(arena);
445 6381 : return nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
446 : }
447 :
448 480377 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell* allocate(size_t thingSize) {
449 : // Eschew the usual checks, because this might be the placeholder span.
450 : // If this is somehow an invalid, non-empty span, checkSpan() will catch it.
451 480377 : Arena* arena = getArenaUnchecked();
452 480378 : checkSpan(arena);
453 480391 : uintptr_t thing = uintptr_t(arena) + first;
454 480391 : if (first < last) {
455 : // We have space for at least two more things, so do a simple bump-allocate.
456 467188 : first += thingSize;
457 13203 : } else if (MOZ_LIKELY(first)) {
458 : // The last space points to the next free span (which may be empty).
459 6321 : const FreeSpan* next = nextSpan(arena);
460 6321 : first = next->first;
461 6321 : last = next->last;
462 : } else {
463 6882 : return nullptr; // The span is empty.
464 : }
465 473509 : checkSpan(arena);
466 473489 : JS_EXTRA_POISON(reinterpret_cast<void*>(thing), JS_ALLOCATED_TENURED_PATTERN, thingSize);
467 473489 : MemProfiler::SampleTenured(reinterpret_cast<void*>(thing), thingSize);
468 473494 : return reinterpret_cast<TenuredCell*>(thing);
469 : }
470 :
471 : inline void checkSpan(const Arena* arena) const;
472 : inline void checkRange(uintptr_t first, uintptr_t last, const Arena* arena) const;
473 : };
474 :
475 : /*
476 : * Arenas are the allocation units of the tenured heap in the GC. An arena
477 : * is 4kiB in size and 4kiB-aligned. It starts with several header fields
478 : * followed by some bytes of padding. The remainder of the arena is filled
479 : * with GC things of a particular AllocKind. The padding ensures that the
480 : * GC thing array ends exactly at the end of the arena:
481 : *
482 : * <----------------------------------------------> = ArenaSize bytes
483 : * +---------------+---------+----+----+-----+----+
484 : * | header fields | padding | T0 | T1 | ... | Tn |
485 : * +---------------+---------+----+----+-----+----+
486 : * <-------------------------> = first thing offset
487 : */
488 : class Arena
489 : {
490 : static JS_FRIEND_DATA(const uint32_t) ThingSizes[];
491 : static JS_FRIEND_DATA(const uint32_t) FirstThingOffsets[];
492 : static JS_FRIEND_DATA(const uint32_t) ThingsPerArena[];
493 :
494 : /*
495 : * The first span of free things in the arena. Most of these spans are
496 : * stored as offsets in free regions of the data array, and most operations
497 : * on FreeSpans take an Arena pointer for safety. However, the FreeSpans
498 : * used for allocation are stored here, at the start of an Arena, and use
499 : * their own address to grab the next span within the same Arena.
500 : */
501 : FreeSpan firstFreeSpan;
502 :
503 : public:
504 : /*
505 : * The zone that this Arena is contained within, when allocated. The offset
506 : * of this field must match the ArenaZoneOffset stored in js/HeapAPI.h,
507 : * as is statically asserted below.
508 : */
509 : JS::Zone* zone;
510 :
511 : /*
512 : * Arena::next has two purposes: when unallocated, it points to the next
513 : * available Arena. When allocated, it points to the next Arena in the same
514 : * zone and with the same alloc kind.
515 : */
516 : Arena* next;
517 :
518 : private:
519 : /*
520 : * One of the AllocKind constants or AllocKind::LIMIT when the arena does
521 : * not contain any GC things and is on the list of empty arenas in the GC
522 : * chunk.
523 : *
524 : * We use 8 bits for the alloc kind so the compiler can use byte-level
525 : * memory instructions to access it.
526 : */
527 : size_t allocKind : 8;
528 :
529 : public:
530 : /*
531 : * When collecting we sometimes need to keep an auxillary list of arenas,
532 : * for which we use the following fields. This happens for several reasons:
533 : *
534 : * When recursive marking uses too much stack, the marking is delayed and
535 : * the corresponding arenas are put into a stack. To distinguish the bottom
536 : * of the stack from the arenas not present in the stack we use the
537 : * markOverflow flag to tag arenas on the stack.
538 : *
539 : * Delayed marking is also used for arenas that we allocate into during an
540 : * incremental GC. In this case, we intend to mark all the objects in the
541 : * arena, and it's faster to do this marking in bulk.
542 : *
543 : * When sweeping we keep track of which arenas have been allocated since
544 : * the end of the mark phase. This allows us to tell whether a pointer to
545 : * an unmarked object is yet to be finalized or has already been
546 : * reallocated. We set the allocatedDuringIncremental flag for this and
547 : * clear it at the end of the sweep phase.
548 : *
549 : * To minimize the size of the header fields we record the next linkage as
550 : * address() >> ArenaShift and pack it with the allocKind and the flags.
551 : */
552 : size_t hasDelayedMarking : 1;
553 : size_t allocatedDuringIncremental : 1;
554 : size_t markOverflow : 1;
555 : size_t auxNextLink : JS_BITS_PER_WORD - 8 - 1 - 1 - 1;
556 : static_assert(ArenaShift >= 8 + 1 + 1 + 1,
557 : "Arena::auxNextLink packing assumes that ArenaShift has "
558 : "enough bits to cover allocKind and hasDelayedMarking.");
559 :
560 : private:
561 : union {
562 : /*
563 : * For arenas in zones other than the atoms zone, if non-null, points
564 : * to an ArenaCellSet that represents the set of cells in this arena
565 : * that are in the nursery's store buffer.
566 : */
567 : ArenaCellSet* bufferedCells_;
568 :
569 : /*
570 : * For arenas in the atoms zone, the starting index into zone atom
571 : * marking bitmaps (see AtomMarking.h) of the things in this zone.
572 : * Atoms never refer to nursery things, so no store buffer index is
573 : * needed.
574 : */
575 : size_t atomBitmapStart_;
576 : };
577 : public:
578 :
579 : /*
580 : * The size of data should be |ArenaSize - offsetof(data)|, but the offset
581 : * is not yet known to the compiler, so we do it by hand. |firstFreeSpan|
582 : * takes up 8 bytes on 64-bit due to alignment requirements; the rest are
583 : * obvious. This constant is stored in js/HeapAPI.h.
584 : */
585 : uint8_t data[ArenaSize - ArenaHeaderSize];
586 :
587 : void init(JS::Zone* zoneArg, AllocKind kind);
588 :
589 : // Sets |firstFreeSpan| to the Arena's entire valid range, and
590 : // also sets the next span stored at |firstFreeSpan.last| as empty.
591 6662 : void setAsFullyUnused() {
592 6662 : AllocKind kind = getAllocKind();
593 6662 : firstFreeSpan.first = firstThingOffset(kind);
594 6662 : firstFreeSpan.last = lastThingOffset(kind);
595 6662 : FreeSpan* last = firstFreeSpan.nextSpanUnchecked(this);
596 6662 : last->initAsEmpty();
597 6662 : }
598 :
599 : // Initialize an arena to its unallocated state. For arenas that were
600 : // previously allocated for some zone, use release() instead.
601 6662 : void setAsNotAllocated() {
602 6662 : firstFreeSpan.initAsEmpty();
603 6662 : zone = nullptr;
604 6662 : allocKind = size_t(AllocKind::LIMIT);
605 6662 : hasDelayedMarking = 0;
606 6662 : allocatedDuringIncremental = 0;
607 6662 : markOverflow = 0;
608 6662 : auxNextLink = 0;
609 6662 : bufferedCells_ = nullptr;
610 6662 : }
611 :
612 : // Return an allocated arena to its unallocated state.
613 : inline void release();
614 :
615 580731 : uintptr_t address() const {
616 580731 : checkAddress();
617 580730 : return uintptr_t(this);
618 : }
619 :
620 : inline void checkAddress() const;
621 :
622 : inline Chunk* chunk() const;
623 :
624 7101543 : bool allocated() const {
625 7101543 : MOZ_ASSERT(IsAllocKind(AllocKind(allocKind)));
626 7101659 : return IsValidAllocKind(AllocKind(allocKind));
627 : }
628 :
629 5863601 : AllocKind getAllocKind() const {
630 5863601 : MOZ_ASSERT(allocated());
631 5864042 : return AllocKind(allocKind);
632 : }
633 :
634 8924 : FreeSpan* getFirstFreeSpan() { return &firstFreeSpan; }
635 :
636 5097843 : static size_t thingSize(AllocKind kind) { return ThingSizes[size_t(kind)]; }
637 0 : static size_t thingsPerArena(AllocKind kind) { return ThingsPerArena[size_t(kind)]; }
638 0 : static size_t thingsSpan(AllocKind kind) { return thingsPerArena(kind) * thingSize(kind); }
639 :
640 956094 : static size_t firstThingOffset(AllocKind kind) { return FirstThingOffsets[size_t(kind)]; }
641 955008 : static size_t lastThingOffset(AllocKind kind) { return ArenaSize - thingSize(kind); }
642 :
643 2456910 : size_t getThingSize() const { return thingSize(getAllocKind()); }
644 0 : size_t getThingsPerArena() const { return thingsPerArena(getAllocKind()); }
645 0 : size_t getThingsSpan() const { return getThingsPerArena() * getThingSize(); }
646 0 : size_t getFirstThingOffset() const { return firstThingOffset(getAllocKind()); }
647 :
648 0 : uintptr_t thingsStart() const { return address() + getFirstThingOffset(); }
649 0 : uintptr_t thingsEnd() const { return address() + ArenaSize; }
650 :
651 1030 : bool isEmpty() const {
652 : // Arena is empty if its first span covers the whole arena.
653 1030 : firstFreeSpan.checkSpan(this);
654 1030 : AllocKind kind = getAllocKind();
655 1030 : return firstFreeSpan.first == firstThingOffset(kind) &&
656 1030 : firstFreeSpan.last == lastThingOffset(kind);
657 : }
658 :
659 1726 : bool hasFreeThings() const { return !firstFreeSpan.isEmpty(); }
660 :
661 0 : size_t numFreeThings(size_t thingSize) const {
662 0 : firstFreeSpan.checkSpan(this);
663 0 : size_t numFree = 0;
664 0 : const FreeSpan* span = &firstFreeSpan;
665 0 : for (; !span->isEmpty(); span = span->nextSpan(this))
666 0 : numFree += (span->last - span->first) / thingSize + 1;
667 0 : return numFree;
668 : }
669 :
670 0 : size_t countFreeCells() { return numFreeThings(getThingSize()); }
671 0 : size_t countUsedCells() { return getThingsPerArena() - countFreeCells(); }
672 :
673 0 : bool inFreeList(uintptr_t thing) {
674 0 : uintptr_t base = address();
675 0 : const FreeSpan* span = &firstFreeSpan;
676 0 : for (; !span->isEmpty(); span = span->nextSpan(this)) {
677 : /* If the thing comes before the current span, it's not free. */
678 0 : if (thing < base + span->first)
679 0 : return false;
680 :
681 : /* If we find it before the end of the span, it's free. */
682 0 : if (thing <= base + span->last)
683 0 : return true;
684 : }
685 0 : return false;
686 : }
687 :
688 55823 : static bool isAligned(uintptr_t thing, size_t thingSize) {
689 : /* Things ends at the arena end. */
690 55823 : uintptr_t tailOffset = ArenaSize - (thing & ArenaMask);
691 55823 : return tailOffset % thingSize == 0;
692 : }
693 :
694 0 : Arena* getNextDelayedMarking() const {
695 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(hasDelayedMarking);
696 0 : return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(auxNextLink << ArenaShift);
697 : }
698 :
699 130 : void setNextDelayedMarking(Arena* arena) {
700 130 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(uintptr_t(arena) & ArenaMask));
701 130 : MOZ_ASSERT(!auxNextLink && !hasDelayedMarking);
702 130 : hasDelayedMarking = 1;
703 130 : if (arena)
704 129 : auxNextLink = arena->address() >> ArenaShift;
705 130 : }
706 :
707 0 : void unsetDelayedMarking() {
708 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(hasDelayedMarking);
709 0 : hasDelayedMarking = 0;
710 0 : auxNextLink = 0;
711 0 : }
712 :
713 0 : Arena* getNextAllocDuringSweep() const {
714 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(allocatedDuringIncremental);
715 0 : return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(auxNextLink << ArenaShift);
716 : }
717 :
718 0 : void setNextAllocDuringSweep(Arena* arena) {
719 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(uintptr_t(arena) & ArenaMask));
720 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(!auxNextLink && !allocatedDuringIncremental);
721 0 : allocatedDuringIncremental = 1;
722 0 : if (arena)
723 0 : auxNextLink = arena->address() >> ArenaShift;
724 0 : }
725 :
726 0 : void unsetAllocDuringSweep() {
727 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(allocatedDuringIncremental);
728 0 : allocatedDuringIncremental = 0;
729 0 : auxNextLink = 0;
730 0 : }
731 :
732 : inline ArenaCellSet*& bufferedCells();
733 : inline size_t& atomBitmapStart();
734 :
735 : template <typename T>
736 : size_t finalize(FreeOp* fop, AllocKind thingKind, size_t thingSize);
737 :
738 : static void staticAsserts();
739 :
740 : void unmarkAll();
741 : };
742 :
743 : static_assert(ArenaZoneOffset == offsetof(Arena, zone),
744 : "The hardcoded API zone offset must match the actual offset.");
745 :
746 : static_assert(sizeof(Arena) == ArenaSize,
747 : "ArenaSize must match the actual size of the Arena structure.");
748 :
749 : static_assert(offsetof(Arena, data) == ArenaHeaderSize,
750 : "ArenaHeaderSize must match the actual size of the header fields.");
751 :
752 : inline Arena*
753 : FreeSpan::getArena()
754 : {
755 : Arena* arena = getArenaUnchecked();
756 : arena->checkAddress();
757 : return arena;
758 : }
759 :
760 : inline void
761 962074 : FreeSpan::checkSpan(const Arena* arena) const
762 : {
763 : #ifdef DEBUG
764 962074 : if (!first) {
765 13793 : MOZ_ASSERT(!first && !last);
766 13793 : return;
767 : }
768 :
769 948281 : arena->checkAddress();
770 948292 : checkRange(first, last, arena);
771 :
772 : // If there's a following span, it must have a higher address,
773 : // and the gap must be at least 2 * thingSize.
774 948345 : const FreeSpan* next = nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
775 948343 : if (next->first) {
776 0 : checkRange(next->first, next->last, arena);
777 0 : size_t thingSize = arena->getThingSize();
778 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(last + 2 * thingSize <= next->first);
779 : }
780 : #endif
781 : }
782 :
783 : inline void
784 948305 : FreeSpan::checkRange(uintptr_t first, uintptr_t last, const Arena* arena) const
785 : {
786 : #ifdef DEBUG
787 948305 : MOZ_ASSERT(arena);
788 948305 : MOZ_ASSERT(first <= last);
789 948305 : AllocKind thingKind = arena->getAllocKind();
790 948345 : MOZ_ASSERT(first >= Arena::firstThingOffset(thingKind));
791 948345 : MOZ_ASSERT(last <= Arena::lastThingOffset(thingKind));
792 948347 : MOZ_ASSERT((last - first) % Arena::thingSize(thingKind) == 0);
793 : #endif
794 948341 : }
795 :
796 : /*
797 : * The tail of the chunk info is shared between all chunks in the system, both
798 : * nursery and tenured. This structure is locatable from any GC pointer by
799 : * aligning to 1MiB.
800 : */
801 : struct ChunkTrailer
802 : {
803 : // Construct a Nursery ChunkTrailer.
804 159 : ChunkTrailer(JSRuntime* rt, StoreBuffer* sb)
805 159 : : location(ChunkLocation::Nursery), storeBuffer(sb), runtime(rt)
806 159 : {}
807 :
808 : // Construct a Tenured heap ChunkTrailer.
809 50 : explicit ChunkTrailer(JSRuntime* rt)
810 50 : : location(ChunkLocation::TenuredHeap), storeBuffer(nullptr), runtime(rt)
811 50 : {}
812 :
813 : public:
814 : // The index of the chunk in the nursery, or LocationTenuredHeap.
815 : ChunkLocation location;
816 : uint32_t padding;
817 :
818 : // The store buffer for pointers from tenured things to things in this
819 : // chunk. Will be non-null only for nursery chunks.
820 : StoreBuffer* storeBuffer;
821 :
822 : // Provide quick access to the runtime from absolutely anywhere.
823 : JSRuntime* runtime;
824 : };
825 :
826 : static_assert(sizeof(ChunkTrailer) == ChunkTrailerSize,
827 : "ChunkTrailer size must match the API defined size.");
828 :
829 : /* The chunk header (located at the end of the chunk to preserve arena alignment). */
830 : struct ChunkInfo
831 : {
832 50 : void init() {
833 50 : next = prev = nullptr;
834 50 : }
835 :
836 : private:
837 : friend class ChunkPool;
838 : Chunk* next;
839 : Chunk* prev;
840 :
841 : public:
842 : /* Free arenas are linked together with */
843 : Arena* freeArenasHead;
844 :
845 : #if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
846 : /*
847 : * Calculating sizes and offsets is simpler if sizeof(ChunkInfo) is
848 : * architecture-independent.
849 : */
850 : char padding[24];
851 : #endif
852 :
853 : /*
854 : * Decommitted arenas are tracked by a bitmap in the chunk header. We use
855 : * this offset to start our search iteration close to a decommitted arena
856 : * that we can allocate.
857 : */
858 : uint32_t lastDecommittedArenaOffset;
859 :
860 : /* Number of free arenas, either committed or decommitted. */
861 : uint32_t numArenasFree;
862 :
863 : /* Number of free, committed arenas. */
864 : uint32_t numArenasFreeCommitted;
865 : };
866 :
867 : /*
868 : * Calculating ArenasPerChunk:
869 : *
870 : * In order to figure out how many Arenas will fit in a chunk, we need to know
871 : * how much extra space is available after we allocate the header data. This
872 : * is a problem because the header size depends on the number of arenas in the
873 : * chunk. The two dependent fields are bitmap and decommittedArenas.
874 : *
875 : * For the mark bitmap, we know that each arena will use a fixed number of full
876 : * bytes: ArenaBitmapBytes. The full size of the header data is this number
877 : * multiplied by the eventual number of arenas we have in the header. We,
878 : * conceptually, distribute this header data among the individual arenas and do
879 : * not include it in the header. This way we do not have to worry about its
880 : * variable size: it gets attached to the variable number we are computing.
881 : *
882 : * For the decommitted arena bitmap, we only have 1 bit per arena, so this
883 : * technique will not work. Instead, we observe that we do not have enough
884 : * header info to fill 8 full arenas: it is currently 4 on 64bit, less on
885 : * 32bit. Thus, with current numbers, we need 64 bytes for decommittedArenas.
886 : * This will not become 63 bytes unless we double the data required in the
887 : * header. Therefore, we just compute the number of bytes required to track
888 : * every possible arena and do not worry about slop bits, since there are too
889 : * few to usefully allocate.
890 : *
891 : * To actually compute the number of arenas we can allocate in a chunk, we
892 : * divide the amount of available space less the header info (not including
893 : * the mark bitmap which is distributed into the arena size) by the size of
894 : * the arena (with the mark bitmap bytes it uses).
895 : */
896 : const size_t BytesPerArenaWithHeader = ArenaSize + ArenaBitmapBytes;
897 : const size_t ChunkDecommitBitmapBytes = ChunkSize / ArenaSize / JS_BITS_PER_BYTE;
898 : const size_t ChunkBytesAvailable = ChunkSize - sizeof(ChunkTrailer) - sizeof(ChunkInfo) - ChunkDecommitBitmapBytes;
899 : const size_t ArenasPerChunk = ChunkBytesAvailable / BytesPerArenaWithHeader;
900 :
902 : static_assert(ArenasPerChunk == 62, "Do not accidentally change our heap's density.");
903 : #else
904 : static_assert(ArenasPerChunk == 252, "Do not accidentally change our heap's density.");
905 : #endif
906 :
907 : static inline void
908 2399762 : AssertValidColorBit(const TenuredCell* thing, ColorBit colorBit)
909 : {
910 : #ifdef DEBUG
911 2399762 : Arena* arena = thing->arena();
912 2399778 : MOZ_ASSERT(unsigned(colorBit) < arena->getThingSize() / CellBytesPerMarkBit);
913 : #endif
914 2399864 : }
915 :
916 : /* A chunk bitmap contains enough mark bits for all the cells in a chunk. */
917 : struct ChunkBitmap
918 : {
919 : volatile uintptr_t bitmap[ArenaBitmapWords * ArenasPerChunk];
920 :
921 : public:
922 0 : ChunkBitmap() { }
923 :
924 2465178 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void getMarkWordAndMask(const TenuredCell* cell, ColorBit colorBit,
925 : uintptr_t** wordp, uintptr_t* maskp)
926 : {
927 2465178 : detail::GetGCThingMarkWordAndMask(uintptr_t(cell), colorBit, wordp, maskp);
928 2465190 : }
929 :
930 2399738 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE MOZ_TSAN_BLACKLIST bool markBit(const TenuredCell* cell, ColorBit colorBit) {
931 2399738 : AssertValidColorBit(cell, colorBit);
932 : uintptr_t* word, mask;
933 2399886 : getMarkWordAndMask(cell, colorBit, &word, &mask);
934 2399898 : return *word & mask;
935 : }
936 :
937 433151 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE MOZ_TSAN_BLACKLIST bool isMarkedAny(const TenuredCell* cell) {
938 433151 : return markBit(cell, ColorBit::BlackBit) || markBit(cell, ColorBit::GrayOrBlackBit);
939 : }
940 :
941 38926 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE MOZ_TSAN_BLACKLIST bool isMarkedBlack(const TenuredCell* cell) {
942 38926 : return markBit(cell, ColorBit::BlackBit);
943 : }
944 :
945 760448 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE MOZ_TSAN_BLACKLIST bool isMarkedGray(const TenuredCell* cell) {
946 760448 : return !markBit(cell, ColorBit::BlackBit) && markBit(cell, ColorBit::GrayOrBlackBit);
947 : }
948 :
949 : // The return value indicates if the cell went from unmarked to marked.
950 60368 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool markIfUnmarked(const TenuredCell* cell, MarkColor color) {
951 : uintptr_t* word, mask;
952 60368 : getMarkWordAndMask(cell, ColorBit::BlackBit, &word, &mask);
953 60368 : if (*word & mask)
954 34702 : return false;
955 25666 : if (color == MarkColor::Black) {
956 25666 : *word |= mask;
957 : } else {
958 : /*
959 : * We use getMarkWordAndMask to recalculate both mask and word as
960 : * doing just mask << color may overflow the mask.
961 : */
962 0 : getMarkWordAndMask(cell, ColorBit::GrayOrBlackBit, &word, &mask);
963 0 : if (*word & mask)
964 0 : return false;
965 0 : *word |= mask;
966 : }
967 25666 : return true;
968 : }
969 :
970 0 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void markBlack(const TenuredCell* cell) {
971 : uintptr_t* word, mask;
972 0 : getMarkWordAndMask(cell, ColorBit::BlackBit, &word, &mask);
973 0 : *word |= mask;
974 0 : }
975 :
976 0 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void copyMarkBit(TenuredCell* dst, const TenuredCell* src,
977 : ColorBit colorBit) {
978 : uintptr_t* srcWord, srcMask;
979 0 : getMarkWordAndMask(src, colorBit, &srcWord, &srcMask);
980 :
981 : uintptr_t* dstWord, dstMask;
982 0 : getMarkWordAndMask(dst, colorBit, &dstWord, &dstMask);
983 :
984 0 : *dstWord &= ~dstMask;
985 0 : if (*srcWord & srcMask)
986 0 : *dstWord |= dstMask;
987 0 : }
988 :
989 50 : void clear() {
990 50 : memset((void*)bitmap, 0, sizeof(bitmap));
991 50 : }
992 :
993 4928 : uintptr_t* arenaBits(Arena* arena) {
994 : static_assert(ArenaBitmapBits == ArenaBitmapWords * JS_BITS_PER_WORD,
995 : "We assume that the part of the bitmap corresponding to the arena "
996 : "has the exact number of words so we do not need to deal with a word "
997 : "that covers bits from two arenas.");
998 :
999 : uintptr_t* word, unused;
1000 4928 : getMarkWordAndMask(reinterpret_cast<TenuredCell*>(arena->address()),
1001 4928 : ColorBit::BlackBit, &word, &unused);
1002 4928 : return word;
1003 : }
1004 : };
1005 :
1006 : static_assert(ArenaBitmapBytes * ArenasPerChunk == sizeof(ChunkBitmap),
1007 : "Ensure our ChunkBitmap actually covers all arenas.");
1008 : static_assert(js::gc::ChunkMarkBitmapBits == ArenaBitmapBits * ArenasPerChunk,
1009 : "Ensure that the mark bitmap has the right number of bits.");
1010 :
1011 : typedef BitArray<ArenasPerChunk> PerArenaBitmap;
1012 :
1013 : const size_t ChunkPadSize = ChunkSize
1014 : - (sizeof(Arena) * ArenasPerChunk)
1015 : - sizeof(ChunkBitmap)
1016 : - sizeof(PerArenaBitmap)
1017 : - sizeof(ChunkInfo)
1018 : - sizeof(ChunkTrailer);
1019 : static_assert(ChunkPadSize < BytesPerArenaWithHeader,
1020 : "If the chunk padding is larger than an arena, we should have one more arena.");
1021 :
1022 : /*
1023 : * Chunks contain arenas and associated data structures (mark bitmap, delayed
1024 : * marking state).
1025 : */
1026 : struct Chunk
1027 : {
1028 : Arena arenas[ArenasPerChunk];
1029 :
1030 : /* Pad to full size to ensure cache alignment of ChunkInfo. */
1031 : uint8_t padding[ChunkPadSize];
1032 :
1033 : ChunkBitmap bitmap;
1034 : PerArenaBitmap decommittedArenas;
1035 : ChunkInfo info;
1036 : ChunkTrailer trailer;
1037 :
1038 16575917 : static Chunk* fromAddress(uintptr_t addr) {
1039 16575917 : addr &= ~ChunkMask;
1040 16575917 : return reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>(addr);
1041 : }
1042 :
1043 16570410 : static bool withinValidRange(uintptr_t addr) {
1044 16570410 : uintptr_t offset = addr & ChunkMask;
1045 16570410 : return Chunk::fromAddress(addr)->isNurseryChunk()
1046 16572027 : ? offset < ChunkSize - sizeof(ChunkTrailer)
1047 16572027 : : offset < ArenasPerChunk * ArenaSize;
1048 : }
1049 :
1050 0 : static size_t arenaIndex(uintptr_t addr) {
1051 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(!Chunk::fromAddress(addr)->isNurseryChunk());
1052 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(withinValidRange(addr));
1053 0 : return (addr & ChunkMask) >> ArenaShift;
1054 : }
1055 :
1056 : uintptr_t address() const {
1057 : uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this);
1058 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(addr & ChunkMask));
1059 : return addr;
1060 : }
1061 :
1062 29 : bool unused() const {
1063 29 : return info.numArenasFree == ArenasPerChunk;
1064 : }
1065 :
1066 13324 : bool hasAvailableArenas() const {
1067 13324 : return info.numArenasFree != 0;
1068 : }
1069 :
1070 16571175 : bool isNurseryChunk() const {
1071 16571175 : return trailer.storeBuffer;
1072 : }
1073 :
1074 : Arena* allocateArena(JSRuntime* rt, JS::Zone* zone, AllocKind kind, const AutoLockGC& lock);
1075 :
1076 : void releaseArena(JSRuntime* rt, Arena* arena, const AutoLockGC& lock);
1077 : void recycleArena(Arena* arena, SortedArenaList& dest, size_t thingsPerArena);
1078 :
1079 : MOZ_MUST_USE bool decommitOneFreeArena(JSRuntime* rt, AutoLockGC& lock);
1080 : void decommitAllArenasWithoutUnlocking(const AutoLockGC& lock);
1081 :
1082 : static Chunk* allocate(JSRuntime* rt);
1083 : void init(JSRuntime* rt);
1084 :
1085 : private:
1086 : void decommitAllArenas(JSRuntime* rt);
1087 :
1088 : /* Search for a decommitted arena to allocate. */
1089 : unsigned findDecommittedArenaOffset();
1090 : Arena* fetchNextDecommittedArena();
1091 :
1092 : void addArenaToFreeList(JSRuntime* rt, Arena* arena);
1093 : void addArenaToDecommittedList(JSRuntime* rt, const Arena* arena);
1094 :
1095 : void updateChunkListAfterAlloc(JSRuntime* rt, const AutoLockGC& lock);
1096 : void updateChunkListAfterFree(JSRuntime* rt, const AutoLockGC& lock);
1097 :
1098 : public:
1099 : /* Unlink and return the freeArenasHead. */
1100 : Arena* fetchNextFreeArena(JSRuntime* rt);
1101 : };
1102 :
1103 : static_assert(sizeof(Chunk) == ChunkSize,
1104 : "Ensure the hardcoded chunk size definition actually matches the struct.");
1105 : static_assert(js::gc::ChunkMarkBitmapOffset == offsetof(Chunk, bitmap),
1106 : "The hardcoded API bitmap offset must match the actual offset.");
1107 : static_assert(js::gc::ChunkRuntimeOffset == offsetof(Chunk, trailer) +
1108 : offsetof(ChunkTrailer, runtime),
1109 : "The hardcoded API runtime offset must match the actual offset.");
1110 : static_assert(js::gc::ChunkLocationOffset == offsetof(Chunk, trailer) +
1111 : offsetof(ChunkTrailer, location),
1112 : "The hardcoded API location offset must match the actual offset.");
1113 :
1114 : /*
1115 : * Tracks the used sizes for owned heap data and automatically maintains the
1116 : * memory usage relationship between GCRuntime and Zones.
1117 : */
1118 : class HeapUsage
1119 : {
1120 : /*
1121 : * A heap usage that contains our parent's heap usage, or null if this is
1122 : * the top-level usage container.
1123 : */
1124 : HeapUsage* const parent_;
1125 :
1126 : /*
1127 : * The approximate number of bytes in use on the GC heap, to the nearest
1128 : * ArenaSize. This does not include any malloc data. It also does not
1129 : * include not-actively-used addresses that are still reserved at the OS
1130 : * level for GC usage. It is atomic because it is updated by both the active
1131 : * and GC helper threads.
1132 : */
1133 : mozilla::Atomic<size_t, mozilla::ReleaseAcquire> gcBytes_;
1134 :
1135 : public:
1136 35 : explicit HeapUsage(HeapUsage* parent)
1137 35 : : parent_(parent),
1138 35 : gcBytes_(0)
1139 35 : {}
1140 :
1141 21437 : size_t gcBytes() const { return gcBytes_; }
1142 :
1143 13314 : void addGCArena() {
1144 13314 : gcBytes_ += ArenaSize;
1145 13314 : if (parent_)
1146 6657 : parent_->addGCArena();
1147 13314 : }
1148 0 : void removeGCArena() {
1149 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(gcBytes_ >= ArenaSize);
1150 0 : gcBytes_ -= ArenaSize;
1151 0 : if (parent_)
1152 0 : parent_->removeGCArena();
1153 0 : }
1154 :
1155 : /* Pair to adoptArenas. Adopts the attendant usage statistics. */
1156 15 : void adopt(HeapUsage& other) {
1157 15 : gcBytes_ += other.gcBytes_;
1158 15 : other.gcBytes_ = 0;
1159 15 : }
1160 : };
1161 :
1162 : inline void
1163 1528954 : Arena::checkAddress() const
1164 : {
1165 3057900 : mozilla::DebugOnly<uintptr_t> addr = uintptr_t(this);
1166 1528974 : MOZ_ASSERT(addr);
1167 1528970 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(addr & ArenaMask));
1168 1528970 : MOZ_ASSERT(Chunk::withinValidRange(addr));
1169 1528947 : }
1170 :
1171 : inline Chunk*
1172 4928 : Arena::chunk() const
1173 : {
1174 4928 : return Chunk::fromAddress(address());
1175 : }
1176 :
1177 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const TenuredCell&
1178 1410632 : Cell::asTenured() const
1179 : {
1180 1410632 : MOZ_ASSERT(isTenured());
1181 1410626 : return *static_cast<const TenuredCell*>(this);
1182 : }
1183 :
1184 : MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell&
1185 1538123 : Cell::asTenured()
1186 : {
1187 1538123 : MOZ_ASSERT(isTenured());
1188 1538120 : return *static_cast<TenuredCell*>(this);
1189 : }
1190 :
1192 : Cell::isMarkedAny() const
1193 : {
1194 : return !isTenured() || asTenured().isMarkedAny();
1195 : }
1196 :
1198 49503 : Cell::isMarkedBlack() const
1199 : {
1200 49503 : return !isTenured() || asTenured().isMarkedBlack();
1201 : }
1202 :
1204 59139 : Cell::isMarkedGray() const
1205 : {
1206 59139 : return isTenured() && asTenured().isMarkedGray();
1207 : }
1208 :
1209 : inline JSRuntime*
1210 17652 : Cell::runtimeFromActiveCooperatingThread() const
1211 : {
1212 17652 : JSRuntime* rt = chunk()->trailer.runtime;
1213 17652 : MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(rt));
1214 17652 : return rt;
1215 : }
1216 :
1217 : inline JSRuntime*
1218 2832368 : Cell::runtimeFromAnyThread() const
1219 : {
1220 2832368 : return chunk()->trailer.runtime;
1221 : }
1222 :
1223 : inline uintptr_t
1224 15050242 : Cell::address() const
1225 : {
1226 15050242 : uintptr_t addr = uintptr_t(this);
1227 15050242 : MOZ_ASSERT(addr % CellAlignBytes == 0);
1228 15050242 : MOZ_ASSERT(Chunk::withinValidRange(addr));
1229 15051368 : return addr;
1230 : }
1231 :
1232 : Chunk*
1233 4670692 : Cell::chunk() const
1234 : {
1235 4670692 : uintptr_t addr = uintptr_t(this);
1236 4670692 : MOZ_ASSERT(addr % CellAlignBytes == 0);
1237 4670692 : addr &= ~ChunkMask;
1238 4670692 : return reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>(addr);
1239 : }
1240 :
1241 : inline StoreBuffer*
1242 528155 : Cell::storeBuffer() const
1243 : {
1244 528155 : return chunk()->trailer.storeBuffer;
1245 : }
1246 :
1247 : inline JS::TraceKind
1248 58331 : Cell::getTraceKind() const
1249 : {
1250 58331 : return isTenured() ? asTenured().getTraceKind() : JS::TraceKind::Object;
1251 : }
1252 :
1253 : inline bool
1254 0 : InFreeList(Arena* arena, void* thing)
1255 : {
1256 0 : uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(thing);
1257 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(Arena::isAligned(addr, arena->getThingSize()));
1258 0 : return arena->inFreeList(addr);
1259 : }
1260 :
1261 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool
1262 122 : Cell::needWriteBarrierPre(JS::Zone* zone) {
1263 122 : return JS::shadow::Zone::asShadowZone(zone)->needsIncrementalBarrier();
1264 : }
1265 :
1266 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell*
1267 105719 : TenuredCell::fromPointer(void* ptr)
1268 : {
1269 105719 : MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<TenuredCell*>(ptr)->isTenured());
1270 105719 : return static_cast<TenuredCell*>(ptr);
1271 : }
1272 :
1273 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const TenuredCell*
1274 0 : TenuredCell::fromPointer(const void* ptr)
1275 : {
1276 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<const TenuredCell*>(ptr)->isTenured());
1277 0 : return static_cast<const TenuredCell*>(ptr);
1278 : }
1279 :
1280 : bool
1281 433149 : TenuredCell::isMarkedAny() const
1282 : {
1283 433149 : MOZ_ASSERT(arena()->allocated());
1284 433151 : return chunk()->bitmap.isMarkedAny(this);
1285 : }
1286 :
1287 : bool
1288 38926 : TenuredCell::isMarkedBlack() const
1289 : {
1290 38926 : MOZ_ASSERT(arena()->allocated());
1291 38926 : return chunk()->bitmap.isMarkedBlack(this);
1292 : }
1293 :
1294 : bool
1295 760436 : TenuredCell::isMarkedGray() const
1296 : {
1297 760436 : MOZ_ASSERT(arena()->allocated());
1298 760448 : return chunk()->bitmap.isMarkedGray(this);
1299 : }
1300 :
1301 : bool
1302 60368 : TenuredCell::markIfUnmarked(MarkColor color /* = Black */) const
1303 : {
1304 60368 : return chunk()->bitmap.markIfUnmarked(this, color);
1305 : }
1306 :
1307 : void
1308 0 : TenuredCell::markBlack() const
1309 : {
1310 0 : chunk()->bitmap.markBlack(this);
1311 0 : }
1312 :
1313 : void
1314 0 : TenuredCell::copyMarkBitsFrom(const TenuredCell* src)
1315 : {
1316 0 : ChunkBitmap& bitmap = chunk()->bitmap;
1317 0 : bitmap.copyMarkBit(this, src, ColorBit::BlackBit);
1318 0 : bitmap.copyMarkBit(this, src, ColorBit::GrayOrBlackBit);
1319 0 : }
1320 :
1321 : inline Arena*
1322 14992845 : TenuredCell::arena() const
1323 : {
1324 14992845 : MOZ_ASSERT(isTenured());
1325 14994540 : uintptr_t addr = address();
1326 14995226 : addr &= ~ArenaMask;
1327 14995226 : return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(addr);
1328 : }
1329 :
1330 : AllocKind
1331 2452969 : TenuredCell::getAllocKind() const
1332 : {
1333 2452969 : return arena()->getAllocKind();
1334 : }
1335 :
1336 : JS::TraceKind
1337 96235 : TenuredCell::getTraceKind() const
1338 : {
1339 96235 : return MapAllocToTraceKind(getAllocKind());
1340 : }
1341 :
1342 : JS::Zone*
1343 1146259 : TenuredCell::zone() const
1344 : {
1345 1146259 : JS::Zone* zone = arena()->zone;
1346 1146266 : MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessZone(zone));
1347 1146222 : return zone;
1348 : }
1349 :
1350 : JS::Zone*
1351 6726828 : TenuredCell::zoneFromAnyThread() const
1352 : {
1353 6726828 : return arena()->zone;
1354 : }
1355 :
1356 : bool
1357 : TenuredCell::isInsideZone(JS::Zone* zone) const
1358 : {
1359 : return zone == arena()->zone;
1360 : }
1361 :
1362 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void
1363 638991 : TenuredCell::readBarrier(TenuredCell* thing)
1364 : {
1365 638991 : MOZ_ASSERT(!CurrentThreadIsIonCompiling());
1366 639001 : MOZ_ASSERT(thing);
1367 639001 : MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessZone(thing->zoneFromAnyThread()));
1368 :
1369 : // It would be good if barriers were never triggered during collection, but
1370 : // at the moment this can happen e.g. when rekeying tables containing
1371 : // read-barriered GC things after a moving GC.
1372 : //
1373 : // TODO: Fix this and assert we're not collecting if we're on the active
1374 : // thread.
1375 :
1376 638985 : JS::shadow::Zone* shadowZone = thing->shadowZoneFromAnyThread();
1377 638991 : if (shadowZone->needsIncrementalBarrier()) {
1378 : // Barriers are only enabled on the active thread and are disabled while collecting.
1379 16480 : MOZ_ASSERT(!RuntimeFromActiveCooperatingThreadIsHeapMajorCollecting(shadowZone));
1380 16480 : Cell* tmp = thing;
1381 16480 : TraceManuallyBarrieredGenericPointerEdge(shadowZone->barrierTracer(), &tmp, "read barrier");
1382 16480 : MOZ_ASSERT(tmp == thing);
1383 : }
1384 :
1385 638993 : if (thing->isMarkedGray()) {
1386 : // There shouldn't be anything marked grey unless we're on the active thread.
1387 0 : MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(thing->runtimeFromAnyThread()));
1388 0 : if (!RuntimeFromActiveCooperatingThreadIsHeapMajorCollecting(shadowZone))
1389 0 : UnmarkGrayCellRecursively(thing, thing->getTraceKind());
1390 : }
1391 639002 : }
1392 :
1393 : void
1394 : AssertSafeToSkipBarrier(TenuredCell* thing);
1395 :
1396 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void
1397 491086 : TenuredCell::writeBarrierPre(TenuredCell* thing)
1398 : {
1399 491086 : MOZ_ASSERT(!CurrentThreadIsIonCompiling());
1400 491096 : if (!thing)
1401 122852 : return;
1402 :
1403 : #ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
1404 : // When verifying pre barriers we need to switch on all barriers, even
1405 : // those on the Atoms Zone. Normally, we never enter a parse task when
1406 : // collecting in the atoms zone, so will filter out atoms below.
1407 : // Unfortuantely, If we try that when verifying pre-barriers, we'd never be
1408 : // able to handle off thread parse tasks at all as we switch on the verifier any
1409 : // time we're not doing GC. This would cause us to deadlock, as off thread parsing
1410 : // is meant to resume after GC work completes. Instead we filter out any
1411 : // off thread barriers that reach us and assert that they would normally not be
1412 : // possible.
1413 368244 : if (!CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(thing->runtimeFromAnyThread())) {
1414 10318 : AssertSafeToSkipBarrier(thing);
1415 10318 : return;
1416 : }
1417 : #endif
1418 :
1419 357930 : JS::shadow::Zone* shadowZone = thing->shadowZoneFromAnyThread();
1420 357931 : if (shadowZone->needsIncrementalBarrier()) {
1421 4232 : MOZ_ASSERT(!RuntimeFromActiveCooperatingThreadIsHeapMajorCollecting(shadowZone));
1422 4232 : Cell* tmp = thing;
1423 4232 : TraceManuallyBarrieredGenericPointerEdge(shadowZone->barrierTracer(), &tmp, "pre barrier");
1424 4232 : MOZ_ASSERT(tmp == thing);
1425 : }
1426 : }
1427 :
1428 : static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void
1429 1771034 : AssertValidToSkipBarrier(TenuredCell* thing)
1430 : {
1431 1771034 : MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(thing));
1432 1771053 : MOZ_ASSERT_IF(thing, MapAllocToTraceKind(thing->getAllocKind()) != JS::TraceKind::Object);
1433 1771095 : }
1434 :
1435 : /* static */ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void
1436 1771049 : TenuredCell::writeBarrierPost(void* cellp, TenuredCell* prior, TenuredCell* next)
1437 : {
1438 1771049 : AssertValidToSkipBarrier(next);
1439 1771089 : }
1440 :
1441 : #ifdef DEBUG
1442 : bool
1443 16001 : Cell::isAligned() const
1444 : {
1445 16001 : if (!isTenured())
1446 0 : return true;
1447 16001 : return asTenured().isAligned();
1448 : }
1449 :
1450 : bool
1451 55823 : TenuredCell::isAligned() const
1452 : {
1453 55823 : return Arena::isAligned(address(), arena()->getThingSize());
1454 : }
1455 : #endif
1456 :
1457 : static const int32_t ChunkLocationOffsetFromLastByte =
1458 : int32_t(gc::ChunkLocationOffset) - int32_t(gc::ChunkMask);
1459 :
1460 : } /* namespace gc */
1461 :
1462 : namespace debug {
1463 :
1464 : // Utility functions meant to be called from an interactive debugger.
1465 : enum class MarkInfo : int {
1466 : BLACK = 0,
1467 : GRAY = 1,
1468 : UNMARKED = -1,
1469 : NURSERY = -2,
1470 : };
1471 :
1472 : // Get the mark color for a cell, in a way easily usable from a debugger.
1473 : MOZ_NEVER_INLINE MarkInfo
1474 : GetMarkInfo(js::gc::Cell* cell);
1475 :
1476 : // Sample usage from gdb:
1477 : //
1478 : // (gdb) p $word = js::debug::GetMarkWordAddress(obj)
1479 : // $1 = (uintptr_t *) 0x7fa56d5fe360
1480 : // (gdb) p/x $mask = js::debug::GetMarkMask(obj, js::gc::GRAY)
1481 : // $2 = 0x200000000
1482 : // (gdb) watch *$word
1483 : // Hardware watchpoint 7: *$word
1484 : // (gdb) cond 7 *$word & $mask
1485 : // (gdb) cont
1486 : //
1487 : // Note that this is *not* a watchpoint on a single bit. It is a watchpoint on
1488 : // the whole word, which will trigger whenever the word changes and the
1489 : // selected bit is set after the change.
1490 : //
1491 : // So if the bit changing is the desired one, this is exactly what you want.
1492 : // But if a different bit changes (either set or cleared), you may still stop
1493 : // execution if the $mask bit happened to already be set. gdb does not expose
1494 : // enough information to restrict the watchpoint to just a single bit.
1495 :
1496 : // Return the address of the word containing the mark bits for the given cell,
1497 : // or nullptr if the cell is in the nursery.
1498 : MOZ_NEVER_INLINE uintptr_t*
1499 : GetMarkWordAddress(js::gc::Cell* cell);
1500 :
1501 : // Return the mask for the given cell and color bit, or 0 if the cell is in the
1502 : // nursery.
1503 : MOZ_NEVER_INLINE uintptr_t
1504 : GetMarkMask(js::gc::Cell* cell, uint32_t colorBit);
1505 :
1506 : } /* namespace debug */
1507 : } /* namespace js */
1508 :
1509 : #endif /* gc_Heap_h */