Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 : /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 : * file, You can obtain one at */
5 :
6 : /*
7 : * an object that stores the result of determining whether a style struct that
8 : * was computed can be cached in the rule tree, and if so, what the conditions
9 : * it relies on are
10 : */
11 :
12 : #ifndef RuleNodeCacheConditions_h_
13 : #define RuleNodeCacheConditions_h_
14 :
15 : #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
16 : #include "nsCoord.h"
17 : #include "nsTArray.h"
18 :
19 : class nsStyleContext;
20 :
21 : namespace mozilla {
22 :
23 : /**
24 : * nsRuleNodeCacheConditions is used to store information about whether
25 : * we can store a style struct that we're computing in the rule tree.
26 : *
27 : * For inherited structs (i.e., structs with inherited properties), we
28 : * cache the struct in the rule tree if it does not depend on any data
29 : * in the style context tree, and otherwise store it in the style
30 : * context tree. This means that for inherited structs, setting any
31 : * conditions is equivalent to making the struct uncacheable.
32 : *
33 : * For reset structs (i.e., structs with non-inherited properties), we
34 : * are also able to cache structs in the rule tree conditionally on
35 : * certain common conditions. For these structs, setting conditions
36 : * (SetFontSizeDependency, SetWritingModeDependency) instead causes the
37 : * struct to be stored, with the condition, in the rule tree.
38 : */
39 : class RuleNodeCacheConditions
40 : {
41 : public:
42 12274 : RuleNodeCacheConditions()
43 12274 : : mFontSize(0), mBits(0) {}
44 8222 : RuleNodeCacheConditions(const RuleNodeCacheConditions& aOther)
45 8222 : : mFontSize(aOther.mFontSize), mBits(aOther.mBits) {}
46 0 : RuleNodeCacheConditions& operator=(const RuleNodeCacheConditions& aOther)
47 : {
48 0 : mFontSize = aOther.mFontSize;
49 0 : mBits = aOther.mBits;
50 0 : return *this;
51 : }
52 0 : bool operator==(const RuleNodeCacheConditions& aOther) const
53 : {
54 0 : return mFontSize == aOther.mFontSize &&
55 0 : mBits == aOther.mBits;
56 : }
57 0 : bool operator!=(const RuleNodeCacheConditions& aOther) const
58 : {
59 0 : return !(*this == aOther);
60 : }
61 :
62 : bool Matches(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext) const;
63 :
64 : /**
65 : * Record that the data being computed depend on the font-size
66 : * property of the element for which they are being computed.
67 : *
68 : * Note that we sometimes actually call this when there is a
69 : * dependency on the font-size property of the parent element, but we
70 : * only do so while computing inherited structs (nsStyleFont), and we
71 : * only store reset structs conditionally.
72 : */
73 11 : void SetFontSizeDependency(nscoord aCoord)
74 : {
75 11 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(mBits & eHaveFontSize) || mFontSize == aCoord);
76 11 : mFontSize = aCoord;
77 11 : mBits |= eHaveFontSize;
78 11 : }
79 :
80 : /**
81 : * Record that the data being computed depend on the writing mode of
82 : * the element for which they are being computed, which in turn
83 : * depends on its 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'
84 : * properties.
85 : */
86 194 : void SetWritingModeDependency(uint8_t aWritingMode)
87 : {
88 194 : MOZ_ASSERT(!(mBits & eHaveWritingMode) || GetWritingMode() == aWritingMode);
89 388 : mBits |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(aWritingMode) << eWritingModeShift) |
90 388 : eHaveWritingMode;
91 194 : }
92 :
93 4297 : void SetUncacheable()
94 : {
95 4297 : mBits |= eUncacheable;
96 4297 : }
97 :
98 0 : void Clear()
99 : {
100 0 : *this = RuleNodeCacheConditions();
101 0 : }
102 :
103 816 : bool Cacheable() const
104 : {
105 816 : return !(mBits & eUncacheable);
106 : }
107 :
108 4584 : bool CacheableWithDependencies() const
109 : {
110 9168 : return !(mBits & eUncacheable) &&
111 9168 : (mBits & eHaveBitsMask) != 0;
112 : }
113 :
114 24520 : bool CacheableWithoutDependencies() const
115 : {
116 : // We're not uncacheable and we have don't have a font-size or
117 : // writing mode value.
118 24520 : return (mBits & eHaveBitsMask) == 0;
119 : }
120 :
121 : #ifdef DEBUG
122 : void List() const;
123 : #endif
124 :
125 : private:
126 : enum {
127 : eUncacheable = 0x0001,
128 : eHaveFontSize = 0x0002,
129 : eHaveWritingMode = 0x0004,
130 : eHaveBitsMask = 0x00ff,
131 : eWritingModeMask = 0xff00,
132 : eWritingModeShift = 8,
133 : };
134 :
135 143 : uint8_t GetWritingMode() const
136 : {
137 : return static_cast<uint8_t>(
138 143 : (mBits & eWritingModeMask) >> eWritingModeShift);
139 : }
140 :
141 : // The font size from which em units are derived.
142 : nscoord mFontSize;
143 :
144 : // Values in mBits:
145 : // bit 0: are we set to "uncacheable"?
146 : // bit 1: do we have a font size value?
147 : // bit 2: do we have a writing mode value?
148 : // bits 3-7: unused
149 : // bits 8-15: writing mode (uint8_t)
150 : // bits 16-31: unused
151 : uint32_t mBits;
152 : };
153 :
154 : } // namespace mozilla
155 :
156 : #endif // !defined(RuleNodeCacheConditions_h_)