Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 : /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 : * file, You can obtain one at */
5 :
6 : #ifndef nsIGridPart_h___
7 : #define nsIGridPart_h___
8 :
9 : #include "nsISupports.h"
10 :
11 : class nsGridRowGroupLayout;
12 : class nsGrid;
13 : class nsGridRowLayout;
14 : class nsGridRow;
15 : class nsGridLayout2;
16 :
17 : // 07373ed7-e947-4a5e-b36c-69f7c195677b
18 : #define NS_IGRIDPART_IID \
19 : { 0x07373ed7, 0xe947, 0x4a5e, \
20 : { 0xb3, 0x6c, 0x69, 0xf7, 0xc1, 0x95, 0x67, 0x7b } }
21 :
22 : /**
23 : * An additional interface implemented by nsBoxLayout implementations
24 : * for parts of a grid (excluding cells, which are not special).
25 : */
26 0 : class nsIGridPart : public nsISupports {
27 :
28 : public:
29 :
31 :
32 : virtual nsGridRowGroupLayout* CastToRowGroupLayout()=0;
33 : virtual nsGridLayout2* CastToGridLayout()=0;
34 :
35 : /**
36 : * @param aBox [IN] The other half of the |this| parameter, i.e., the box
37 : * whose layout manager is |this|.
38 : * @param aIndex [INOUT] For callers not setting aRequestor, the value
39 : * pointed to by aIndex is incremented by the index
40 : * of the row (aBox) within its row group; if aBox
41 : * is not a row/column, it is untouched.
42 : * The implementation does this by doing the aIndex
43 : * incrementing in the call to the parent row group
44 : * when aRequestor is non-null.
45 : * @param aRequestor [IN] Non-null if and only if this is a recursive
46 : * call from the GetGrid method on a child grid part,
47 : * in which case it is a pointer to that grid part.
48 : * (This may only be non-null for row groups and
49 : * grids.)
50 : * @return The grid of which aBox (a row, row group, or grid) is a part.
51 : */
52 : virtual nsGrid* GetGrid(nsIFrame* aBox, int32_t* aIndex, nsGridRowLayout* aRequestor=nullptr)=0;
53 :
54 : /**
55 : * @param aBox [IN] The other half of the |this| parameter, i.e., the box
56 : * whose layout manager is |this|.
57 : * @param aParentBox [OUT] The box representing the next level up in
58 : * the grid (i.e., row group for a row, grid for a
59 : * row group).
60 : * @returns The layout manager for aParentBox.
61 : */
62 : virtual nsIGridPart* GetParentGridPart(nsIFrame* aBox, nsIFrame** aParentBox) = 0;
63 :
64 : /**
65 : * @param aBox [IN] The other half of the |this| parameter, i.e., the box
66 : * whose layout manager is |this|.
67 : * @param aRowCount [INOUT] Row count
68 : * @param aComputedColumnCount [INOUT] Column count
69 : */
70 : virtual void CountRowsColumns(nsIFrame* aBox, int32_t& aRowCount, int32_t& aComputedColumnCount)=0;
71 : virtual void DirtyRows(nsIFrame* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState)=0;
72 : virtual int32_t BuildRows(nsIFrame* aBox, nsGridRow* aRows)=0;
73 : virtual nsMargin GetTotalMargin(nsIFrame* aBox, bool aIsHorizontal)=0;
74 0 : virtual int32_t GetRowCount() { return 1; }
75 :
76 : /**
77 : * Return the level of the grid hierarchy this grid part represents.
78 : */
79 : enum Type { eGrid, eRowGroup, eRowLeaf };
80 : virtual Type GetType()=0;
81 :
82 : /**
83 : * Return whether this grid part is an appropriate parent for the argument.
84 : */
85 0 : bool CanContain(nsIGridPart* aPossibleChild) {
86 0 : Type thisType = GetType(), childType = aPossibleChild->GetType();
87 0 : return thisType + 1 == childType || (thisType == eRowGroup && childType == eRowGroup);
88 : }
89 :
90 : };
91 :
93 :
94 : #endif
95 :